Blender常见树木植物资产预设 Ordinary Tree Pack文章源自cg资源站-
通过巧妙使用代理来放置、旋转和缩放 - 您无法相信其丝般顺滑的性能!与其他产品/工作流程相比 - 树叶通常在按下 f12 按钮之前最后放置,使用这 12 棵树的包,您不会惊讶它是多么容易使用,而且它已经进行了优化 - 即使您仍在忙于构建场景,您的帧速率也处于安全状态,包含12种常见树木资产预设,blender格式文章源自CG资源站-
Through clever use of Proxies to place, rotate and scale- you Wood’ not believe the silky smooth performance! Compared to other products/workflows – the foliage is usually placed last before hitting that f12 button, with this Pack of 12 trees, you would not be-leaf how easy it is to use, and it comes already optimized -even if you’re still busy building the scene, your framerate’s are in safe hands 文章源自CG资源站-